R.M.K.MATRIC. SCHOOL - 601206.

R.M.K.MATRIC. SCHOOL - 601206.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I. Fill in the blanks     

1. Ampex's Editec 2. Edutainment   3. Monomedia                 4.Digital      5. Audio  Editing   6. Digital Audio  7. Digital Audio Editor 8.Cable operators  9. Cable Modern Termination System  10. Edit Decision List [EDL]

II. Answer the following:

1. How computers are used in Education?

While learning education softwares virtually turn a classroom into an entertainment.

 It is fill with colourful graphics, animation, sound effects and interactive tools to make learning a fun.

2. Define Video Editing and Audio Editing.

Video Editing: It is the process of modifying segments of video to form another piece of video.

Audio Editing: It is a process of changing recorded sound and storing it on recording medium.

3. What is Linear editing?

Linear editing is the process, where one or more video tape players and separate video recorders are used to piece together the final video footage.

4. What is Digital Audio Editor?

Digital audio editor is a computer application, which allows manipulation of digital audio for editing.

5. How computers are used in games?

Computer games have high-end 3-dimensional graphics with high quality stereo sound thus making the games more realistic and interactive.

6. What is non-linear editing?

It refer to the technique of transferring the video signal to random access medium.

In non-linear editing the original source is not altered during editing.

7.What is Analog Audio and Digital Audio?

Analog audio, where audio is recorded as magnetic impression with electric signal.

Digital audio, where audio is recorded as a sequence of numbers and digits.

8. Name the steps involved in creating digital audio. 

The steps involved in creating digital audio are,

1. Recording 2. Digitizing 3. Editing 4. Mixing   5. Burning


1.Explain the stages involved in video editing?

Video editing has gone through a major phase of development from mere physical film cutting, electronic transfer editing to digital non-linear editing.

·         Physical film cutting

The first offline system for video known as ESG, system of rough cutting of film and confirming on tape.

·         Electronic transfer editing

Here original source recording are left unaltered and discrete video shots and sounds were re-recorded in a new sequence on a edit master.

·         Digital non-linear editing

Where one or more video tape players and separate video recorders are used to piece together the final video footage.

 2.Write the steps involved in Digital editing?

Digital audio editor is a computer application, which allows manipulation of digital audio for editing.

This editor allows you to do the following:

1. RECORD: Here audio from different sources can be captured  and stored in computer as digital audio.

 2. EDIT: The editor allows you to edit the start time, stop time and  duration of any sound on the audio time line.

 3. MIX: Audio from different sources can be combined by insertion at various levels.

  4. APPLY EFFECTS: Here various effects are applied to the audio

5. PLAY BACK: Audio after edit and mixing are often sent or stored on one or more outputs

6. CONVERSION: Conversion is done from different file formats.




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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chapter 5: Formatting in HTML


1. (BODY)   2.(BR)   3.Size      4. Paragraphs   5.Six  6. FF000     7. Source      8.  (IMG)                9.  Height       10.  SRC, Loop


1. HR Tag             -               Empty Tag

2. (BR)                 -               Carriage return

3. Size                    -               3

4. BGsound          -               MIDI format

5. Image Tag        -               Width


1. Expand: Jpeg and GIF.

·         JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

·         GIF - Graphics interchange Format

2. Name the alignments available in (P) tag.

The alignments available in (P) tag are

·         P align = "Left"   - aligns paragraph to the Left

·         P align = "Right" - aligns paragraph to the Right

·         P align = "Center" - aligns paragraph to the Center

·         P align = "Justify" - justifies the paragraph to the page

3. Differentiate BIG and SMALL

·         BIG: This tag is used to displays the text in a font larger than the current font size.

·         SMALL: This tag is displays the text in a font smaller than the current font size.

4. Define RGB code.

·         The value of color attribute is either a colour name or a RGB code.

·         RGB code represents a six digit hexadecimal number symbolizing red, green and blue component.

5. Name the colours available in HTML.

·         There are 16 colours names such as aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white and yellow.

6. What is the use of Heading tag?

·         The Heading tags are used to set apart document text and section subtitles.

·         The size levels are H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6.

7. Write about  BGCOLOR tag.

·         The background colour of the page can be changed using BGCOLOR attribute.

·         BGCOLOR is one of the attributes of  BODY tag.

8. Write the attributes of BGSOUND?

SRC: This attributes specifies name of the sound file.

LOOP: This attributes specifies number of times the sound has to be repeated.

9. Explain B, I and U tags.

The B tag displays the text thicker and darker than normal.

The U underlines the text in the document.

The I tag italizes the text.

10. Write about  HR tag

·         HR  tag is used to draw to horizontal line.

·         It is an empty tag.

·         It has two attributes SIZE and NOSHADE.




1. Explain the Font tag and its attribute.

Font tag is used to specify the style, size and colour for a character or a range of text.

The attributes of  FONT  tag are FACE , SIZE AND COLOR


·         Font displayed in the browser can be changed using Face attribute.

·         Face attribute has a value which is a font name enclosed within double quotes.


·         The Size attribute indicates the size in which the font has to be displays.

·         The values of Size attribute are 1 to 7, where 3 is the default size


·         This attribute is used for changing colour of the text.

·         The value of Color attribute is either a colour name or a RGB code.

2. Explain the  IMG tag and its attribute.

The image tag  IMG  inserts an image in HTML document.

The attributes of IMG  are SRC, Align, Height and Width.


The IMG  tag is always used with SRC attribute.

It refers to the file name of an image.


   It is used to specify the place when the image should be displayed on the browser .


This attribute specifies the height of an image that has t be displayed on the browser.

The value for the attribute is taken in term of Pixels.


This attribute specifies the width of an image, that   has to be displayed on the browser.

The value for the attribute is taken in terms of Pixels.





Friday, November 28, 2008


    1. Dravidian 2. India, Singapore, Srilanka 3. System Independent 4. TSCII, TAB 5. INFITT

    1. Tamil - High literary Value
    2. image Files - Larger in Size
    3. Annai - Tamil Font
    4. Web browser - Netscape Navigator
    5. TSCII - Email and WebPages

    1. Why do we need Tamil WebPages?
    We need Tamil WebPages for
    Communication in Tamil .
    Teaching the language and its specialty
    Searching information in Tamil
    2. What are the two methods to create Tamil webpages?
    In a webpage the Tamil text can be displayed in two methods. They are
    (i) Using graphics / image files
    (ii) Using Tamil fonts
    3. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of designing webpages using graphics file method.
    The advantage of using graphics file method is that the graphics displayed on a webpage is system independent.
    The disadvantage of this is larger in size for downloading than plain text files.
    4. Expand INFITT and TSCII.
    INFITT - International Forum for Information Technology in Tamil.
    TSCII - Tamil Standard Code for information interchange.
    5. Explain TSCII and TAB encodings.
    TSCII is widely used all over the world for emails and webpage.
    TAB is used by government of Tamil Nadu.
    These two encodings are recognized by 1NFIIT
    1. Explain the two methods of designing a webpage in Tamil.
    In a webpage the Tamil text can be displayed in two methods. They are
    (i) Using graphics / image files
    (ii) Using Tamil fonts
    The image files (.jpg or .gif) are created using any of the graphic software in combination with Tamil fonts.
    The advantage of using graphics file method is that the graphics displayed on a webpage is system independent.
    The disadvantage of this is larger in size for downloading than plain text files.
    In this method, we use system installed fonts to display Tamil text.
    The minimum requirement is that the appropriate Tamil fonts are installed in local system.
    There are two standard encoding for Tamil,
    TSCII is widely used all over the world for emails and webpage.
    TAB is used by government of Tamil Nadu.
    These two encodings are recognized by INFIIT


Monday, November 17, 2008


1. Hyper Text Markup Language 2. Non-case 3. Tim Berners Lee 4. Tags 5 Attributes 6. Head Section 7. Web browser 8. Container tag 9. F5 10. .html
1. Tag - ( )
2. End tag - ( / )
3. Netscape Navigation - Web browser
4. View -> Source - Modify
5. Text editor - Notepad
1. What is the use of HTML document?
• HTML helps in linking several related information already stored in a computer .
• It allows the user to publish information for global distribution through world web. 2. Name the tools required to create and access a HTML document.
(i) A Text Editor (ii) A Web Browser (iii) A Web Server
3. What are the two types of tags in HTML? Differentiate
The two types of tags in HTML are: 1. Container tag 2. Empty tag
Container tag
Tags which has both start tag and empty tag is called container tag
These tags represents the formatting constructions
Eg: HTML ...........HTML
Empty tag
Tags which has only start tag is called Empty tag
These tags represents the formatting options
Eg: BR, HR
4. Define Nesting of tags.
• Enclosing a tag within another tag is called nesting of tags.
5. What are Attributes?
• Attributes are additional information given to a tag.
• They modify the function of a tag.
• It is associated only with start tag.
1. Explain the structure of HTML document.
HTML document has two sections: Head Section and Body Section.

TITLE... TITLE Head Sections
.. Head Sections
2. Write the process to create and execute HTML document.
To Create
• Click on Start ~ Programs ~ Accessories ~ Notepad .
• Now type the code and save it with the extension .html .
To execute
• Open Internet Explorer (IE) by clicking on Start ~ Programs ~ Internet Explorer
• In IE click on, File ~ Open to open the file that you have saved.
• Click on Browse, button to locate the file.
• After locating the file, click on open button.
• Now the HTML page will be displayed on the browser (IE)
3. Explain the tools required to create and access a HTML document. Give Example.
We need three tools to create and access a HTML document
1. A Text Editor
2.A Web Browser
3.A Web Server (Optional)
A Text Editor
To write a HTML document code we need a text editor which saves the document in plain text. Eg. Notepad , Word . . ..
A Web Browser
HTML requires a web browser to display the document (web page) created using text editor.
Eg. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator
A Web Server
When the document has to be viewed by others around the world it has to be hosted on a web server.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


  • I. Fill in the Blanks.
    1.Sreadsheet 2.Charts 3.Standard Types 4. Legend 5. XY Chart 6. Pie Chart 7.Argument 8. Statistical functions 9. MOD 10. Repetitive
    II. True or False
    1.True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5.True 6. False 7. True
    III. Match:
    Mod (90,3) - 1
    Sign - Zero
    ABS (-30) - 30
    Power (4.4, 3) - 85.184
    Ceiling (4.4,1) - 5
    IV. Answer the following:
    1. How will you insert a chart?
    Using Menu
    Click on Insert -> Chart
    Using Toolbar
    Click on Chart Wizard icon on Standard toolbar
    2.Name some chart types.
    1. XY (Scatter) Chart 2. Line Chart 3. Pie Chart
    3. What are custom types charts?
    Custom type charts can be selected from ones built into the system or created by the user.
    4. What is data range? How will you select the data range?
    The data range is the area of tabular data based on which the chart is being made
    It can be selected directly from the worksheet (or)
    Starting and ending cell references can be specified by a colon.
    5. What is the purpose of step 4 of chart wizard?
    It is used to place the chart either as a new sheet or in any location of the existing sheet.
    6. What is XY (Scatter) Chart?
    XY Charts shows the relationship among the numeric values in several data series.
    Scatter charts are commonly used for scientific data.
    7. What is pie-chart? When it is used?
    Is is a circular graph having radii dividing the circle into sectors.
    These graphs are used when data are calculated in terms of percentage.
    8. What is the difference between the functions Ceiling and Floor?
    It rounds a number up, to the nearest or to the nearest multiple of significance.
    Ex. Ceiling(7.7 , 1) = 8
    It rounds a number down toward zero . to the nearest multiple of significance.
    Ex. Floor(7.7 , 1) = 7
    9. Explain the function of power with an example.
    It returns the result of a number raised to a power.
    Ex. Power(4.2 , 2) = 17.64
    10.Explain the arguments of Large function.
    It returns kth largest value in the given data set.
    Syntax: Large (array, k)
    V. Detail:
    1. Write down the procedure to insert a chart.
    select Insert - > Chart
    1st step of the Chart Wizard appears
    Select Chart type and sub-type
    Click on Next button
    2nd step of wizard appears
    It is to specify the data rang.
    The data range can be selected directly from the worksheet.
    Click on Next button
    3rd step of wizard appears
    Enter Chart title, axis name
    Select the place of legend
    Click on Next button
    4th step of wizard appears
    It is used to place the chart either as a new sheet or in any location.
    Select the location
    Click on Finish button.
    2. What is a function? What are the issues associated with function?
    A function is a small assignment that is produces a result.
    A function includes four issues:
    1. Name 2. Purpose 3. Needs 4. Result.
    Name :
    The name is more important in order to use it effectively.
    The purpose of the function is what the function is used for.
    A function needs a value called argument.
    After using a function, the result of the function can be used for its intended purpose.
    3. Write down the steps to merge a worksheet data into a word document.
    Open an existing worksheet.
    Select the data and copy it.
    Open the Ms Word document.
    Click on Edit -> Paste Special.
    In Paste Special dialog box, Click on Paste Link option.
    Select Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object from the list.
    Click on OK.

Monday, July 28, 2008


1.Computer 2.Boot Record infector , System Virus , or Boot Virus 3.File infectors 4.Node 5. Back up 6. Digital 7. .gif 8. High resolution 9. Ring 10. Uncompressed
VIRUS – Vital Information Resource Under Siege
FOC – Fibre Optic Cable
MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MPEG – Moving Picture Experts Group
AVI – Audio Video Interface
Worms - Self replicating file
.wav - Audio file format
F-Secure - Anti-virus software
Macro Virus - infects documents and spreadsheet
Star topology - central hub
IV.True or False
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
V.Answer the following:
1. What is Virus? What are its types?
Computer Virus is a program written to alert the way a computer operates without the permission or knowledge of the user.
Types of Viruses:
1) Boot Sector infectors 2) File infectors 3) Macro Viruses 4) e mail virus
5) Trojan Horse 6) worms
2. What is Anti-Virus software ?give example.
The anti-virus is a computer software that helps to detect and eliminate the virus and worms. Ex. Nortan , McAfee , AVG etc.
3. What are the responses of Anti-Virus software?
* Cleaning infected files and system
* Detection of infected programs
* Blocking the user to access an infected file.
4. What is a computer network? How are they connected?
*) A large number of computers inter connected with each other to built a communication is referred as computer network.
*) They are connected by Copper Wire , Fibre Optic Cable (FOC) , Microwave and Infra Red or Satellite.
5. What is the need for networking?
*)Peripheral devices can be shared.
*)Information can be transferred and exchanged.
*)High reliability of data is made possible by providing a critical function of backup.
6. What is meant by file compression ?give example.
File compression is a technique that makes file smaller than their original size so that they take less space on a disk. EX. WinZip ,Win RAR , Comprexx etc.
7. What is Topology?
The structure or layout of a communication channel which connects the network computer is called Topology.
8. What is Multimedia?
*) Multimedia is a construction of audio, video and animation.
*) It reveals a concept visually that grabs the attention of viewers in an effective manner.
9. Why file compression is needed?
*)To reduce the file size the files are compressed.
*)It can be easily sent through internet.
*)They take less space on a disk.
10 What is Hub?
Hub is a device which has several ports where the computers are hooked into it, which is in turn connected to the server.
1.Explain the following: i) Email virus ii)Trojan horse iii) Macro virus
i) Email virus :
It uses Email messages to move around.
These Viruses often replicates itself by automatically.
ii)Trojan horse
These are claim to perform a particular function but infect the computer or even delete the files.
iii) Macro virus
These are infect the built-in- programming languages in MS word and Excel thus infecting the documents and spreadsheets.
2.List out the signs of Virus.
*)New or unusual window appears when booting a system.
*)Programs may corrupt.
*)The computer often reboots automatically.
*)The system seems to be slow down and stops responding.
*)New files with unusual extensions appearing on your computer.
3.Explain the types of Topology.
A star network places a hub in the center of the network.
The hub monitors the entire network.
If the hub is lost, the entire network goes down.
it connects the nodes of the network in a circular shape.
There is no central server
The data always flows in one direction
If a connection is broken the entire network goes down.
it is a common path to which all nodes and shared devices are connected.
If the connection is broken ,it brings down all or part of the network.
Tree topology is the variation of Bus topology
The tree begins from the head end and has several branches.
4.Tabulate different Multimedia File format.
.wav - Audio file format
.midi - Musical Instrument Digital Interface Used for various musical applications
.avi - Audio Video Interleave is a video file format.
.mpeg - Moving Picture Experts Group is for moving picture or video files.
.jpeg - Joint Photographic Experts Group are the picture file format.
.gif - Graphic Interchange Format is either a static picture or animated picture.
5.Write down the procedure to zip a file using WinZip.
Step 1.Open WinZip.
Step 2.Click on file -> New Archive
Step 3. In the dialog box give name and location of the zip file.
Step 4.Click OK.
Step 5.The Add dialog box appears. Select the files to be zipped
Step 6.Click on Add
Now the zipped files will be listed on the WinZip dialog box.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

R.M.K.Matriculation School

I.Fill in the blanks:(Ans. Only)
1.Design Documentation 2.Architecture Documentation 3. comments 4. Transformer,Voltage Control and Fan 5. Mother Board 6. Boot Program 7. Serial Port and Parallel Port 8. Mouse Port 9. USB Port 10. UPS
II. Expand the Following
1.API– Application Programming Interface 2. BIOS—Basic Input Output System 3. IDE—Integrated Drive Electronics 4. PS/2—Personal System /2 5. VGA—Video Graphic Adapter 6. USB—Universal Serial Bus &. UPS—Uninterruptible Power Supply 8.IC—Integrated Chips.
III. Match the Following:
1.Documentation - A tool to maintain software
2.Motherboard - Integrated
3.Trouble Shooting - Unusual Sound
4.VGA Connector - HD 15
5. Audio Port - Line in
IV. Short Answer:
1.Why do We need documentation?
To maintain the software for better usage we need documentation
2.what is Architecture documentation?
Architecture documentation explains the general requirement that would motivate the existence of a code.
3.What is BIOS?
It Stands for Basic Input Output System
It tests all the critical components to ensure that they function properly
4.What is Port? Name its types.
Port is an interface on a computer to which devices can be connected.
They can be divided into two groups Serial Port and Parallel Port.
5.What are Cables?
A cable is two or more wires or optical fibers bound together in a common protective jacket or sheath.
6. What is troubleshooting?
It is the process of eliminating potential causes of a problem
7. What are the colours of Audio Port? Write its uses?
Colour - Usage
Pink - To connect MIC
Green - Connect Speaker
Blue - To connect external input such as player, sound recorder etc.
8. What are the advantage of USB port?
USB ports are inexpensive and uses biserial transmission
USB ports supports upto 127 devices.
9. What is system Bus?
A collection of wires that run in parallel, carries the data from one port of the board to another is called a data or system bus.
10. Tabulate the ports with its corresponding peripherals.
Port - Device
PS/2 Port - Mouse
VGA Connector - Monitor
Parallel Port - Printer
Audio Port - MIC,Speaker,Player,etc..
USB - Many Devices.

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